Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pain, Part 2

OK, so today the opening started show how it will manifest itself. Still, my back has been killing me all weekend but in back bends today I felt great. Super open and strong. So I told Sharath that I was experiencing pain but felt open. He said "Today, you go back, it's possible". Lo and behold he was totally right. I took my time did a few warm up half bends after 6 or 7 urdhva dhanurasana, Slowly, felt the muscles engaged in my quads and lower bhandas and then put my arms back and went. Surprisingly, I floated back, didn't bonk my head, kept my arms soft but strong, mainly didn't let my bhandas collapse and landed gently on my hands. WHOO WHOO! It was such an amazing feeling. Most importantly, I didn't have any fear. I believe that is what has been holding me back up until now. I fell pretty hard on my head back in September and got scared. But I feel so strong after this 2 months in India and all is coming together these last few weeks.

So, I am convinced that the pain is an opening and will subside soon. I just need to stand up now. I will keep my attention to this and try not to let the fear in.

It just shows how when you truly trust your teacher how much can come from that. He said it's possible and I believed him, and he was right. Such a great day!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I have experienced pain with my practice in the past and I am going through it again. In the past the pain has always occurred right before my body has opened or I have been really working a particular posture. This time it is Supta kormasana. This is an all encompassing posture that is a killer. Before getting to Mysore I really believed that I would never get this posture and I was OK with that. Then Sharath (my teacher) stopped me on it in Primary series, which was surprising as I really believed that I just couldn't do the posture. So, it forced me to focus on it. Now doing it a few times each practice to really focus on it. The pain has been building all week. So, I can look at this as a positive thing and hope that it means that my body is opening. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

The only problem with all of this opening pain is that there is no telling how long it will actually last. It could be a week, or months. We will just have to surrender and see where it takes me, trying to always remember that it isn't about the postures.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Isn't it funny, for all those that have come to Mysore, how what you expect to happen here never does but other things happen instead? No matter how much I tried not to set goals for my practice while I was here, I still did. AND none of those expectations were met, however new and glorious things have happened. The lesson? Just be with it no matter what it is. I love that.

2 weeks left here. Sad to be leaving but happy to see my hubby again.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

These are my beautiful little sisters, Hayley and Makayla Lucas. I miss them and can't wait to see them next. Only problem is that I live on the other side of the country and have no idea when I am going to get there??????!!!!! Bummer.

Love you girls!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A long time and so much has happened

Hi all,

I am back in Mysore, with 3 weeks left here. I have really enjoyed my time. Such a growing experience as it usually is. Things I have done here this trip; Ayurveda foundational course with Dr. Kumar at Dixit Health Clinic, Went further with my Sanskrit studies, lost weight, as I always do, became physically stronger, became mentally stronger in my resolve, did my first pancha karma (Indian cleanse with Dr. Kumar), learned to surrender more, learned that I can do whatever I set my mind to, discovered that I really love coming here but I miss my husband terribly and 2 months is probably the limit from now on, made new friends, saw a lot of old ones, drank a lot of coconuts, chanted a lot, started to find more meaning in the yogic texts (thanks James), have learned that refined sugar is not a necessity of life and I can do just fine without it, discovered that kitcheri can be good as a daily diet and you can make it taste differently every day, ate at home more, better.

That is it in a nut shell. More to come on my adventures.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

somethinig not to write home about

So I did something that most would consider totally insane. I even thought so while I was doing it and it made me have a huge grin on my face the whole time.

You see, I have a job in the afternoon across town. It is about a mile and a half/2 km from the train that I take from NJ and there is only a bus which costs $2 each way. So I decided that I didn't want to pay almost $8 a day in transportation fees. So I chose to Rollerblade across town. Yes, Rollerblade across NYC at Rush hour, in the dark. Simply insane. I am home now after my first endeavour and can say that it wasn't that bad. I didn't kill myself or fall or get killed by a big truck. It totally cut down on time and made the 3 mile walk round trip take only 10 min. Very cool.

However, I think a bike might be better. Just waiting to get a new lock for the cheapy bike I purchased yesterday.

Crazy in NY!


Friday, October 10, 2008

I have so much to say about this last week I don't even know where to start. Coming back from Mysore was a huge adjustment. I was super antsy the whole first week. I was not sure what to do or where to start. The first thing I did do was get to practice. Which was a good thing. I decided to stick with what I know and headed to Guy Donahaye's studio. In all actuality I really like the studio. It is quiet, peaceful and full of dedicated practitioners. I also think Guy is in a better place now. He seems so much more focused and into teaching then he was last year. I still don't agree with him on his solution to Mari D. As I am the same weight now that I was last year when I was struggling with that pose and I can get it relatively easily now. It is all about the twist, work on parivrita parsvakonasana and all other twisting poses and Mari D will come even if you have a belly!

Jeff and I headed up to the Catskills for a romantic weekend and a workshop with Paul Dallaghan. The workshop was fantastic and very telling at the same time. What I mean is that in Mysore, while it is an amazing place to practice and focus on your dristi, it is also a place where your practice gets a bit sloppy. Paul called me out on it. In Pachimotanasana, I was totally letting my feet sag, forgetting samasthitih, quads not engaged. Shame on me. So after 2 days with Paul, boy, was I sore. This is after being in Mysore for 3 months where I thought I was working my butt off. I guess when your teacher doesn't call you out all the time then one can get lazy.

Then this week getting back into the swing of things at Guys, I have been so sore. Yesterday I was exhausted during practice. I have been focusing more on form and when there are only approx 10 students in the room with one teaacher vs. 60 people the teacher tends to call you out more. Thus making me work harder. Really working on my form. I like it but I am so tired this week.

Guy did stop me at Supta Kormasana for the first few days and we chatted after practice one day. I told him I had just been in Mysore and that I Sharath had given me full primary. Guy was surprised as he felt that my Budja and navasana was not strong enough. The day after I bound in Supta K and got both feet behind my head. So he told me to go back to doing what I had been doing in Mysore but to focus on the lift in Navassana, not putting my feet down and not taking any extra breaths. WHEW! I have to step it up a bit.

Anyway, now that I have bored you to tears. The thing I have learned is that I do much better in a smaller group situation. I like having a teacher calling me out. It is good for me and my practice.

Other things going on here in NY. Jeff and I are looking for an apartment. I think we have found one but have yet to see the place. I guess that is how it goes in these places. You only get to see the floor plan until you are really serious about renting. Then they make arrangements with the tenant who is moving out to let you see it. All very complicated. Also having to com up with over $5000 for move in fees is a pain. Especially since we have to pay it this week when we are not even moving in until December 1st. Yikes.

I also met a lovely kitty at a hippy dippy pet store. Her name is Florance, she is a rescue kitty. I walk by the shop every day on my way to practice and stop to say hi. Yesterday, I put my hand up to the window and she put up her paw to my hand. I fell in love with her instantly. I am trying to convince Jeff that we have to go and meet her this weekend. ;). KITTIES!!!!!

I have a friend coming next week to visit, so we will be in tourist mode. It should be fun.